Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Arts Award feedback from Carlos Cortes session

Some feedback and comments from those who took part in the workshop:

'I likes this session as we got destroy pieces of cardboard and then had to draw a portrait on it. I also drew a face on another persons piece of card, and we all swapped as a group. This lesson has inspired me to complete drawings with my left hand' Carlos Norton

'I think this session was really useful, as it was lead by a professional artist, and gave me new ideas about looking at artworks' Joanne Harris

'I think Carlos was an inspirational artist because he said that artwork doesn't always have to be perfect, but should always have a meaning. He showed us work that had hidden messages and meaning' Nishand Rajagopol

'We had a special visit from artist and performer Carlos Cortes. I enjoyed the workshop because we were able to explore how to look at artwork in a different way. We looked at perspective in several paintings.' Samuel Daley

'I thought the lesson was very entertaining and gave me a lot of ideas for my own artwork. I like the idea that you can create artwork on any materials that you find.' Noah Hall-Odufona

'The interactive activities were very interesting as we highlighted lines of symmetry and lines on a renaissance painting'  Chee-Ho Nim

'I thoroughly enjoyed the artist presenatation. My favourite part of the session was when he showed us his own work. This has nispred me to have more confidence in my drawing abilities and that drawing can be completed using any mark-making materials' Rufaidah Kamara 

'I found the workshop interesting and fun because we got to draw a person with our left hand (non-dominant hand). The portraits turned out to be very interesting and very detailed. Kang Mbang

'The activity made me more interested in drawing/ using my skills in seeing and recording information onto the page.' Aasiyah Kanji

'A fascinating workshop, whereby Carlos showed us a range of skills and techniques that he used for his own work. It was fun destroying cardboard then using it as our material for which to draw onto.' Jai Sood

To fins out more about Carlos Cortes' work go to:

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